At the Dark End of the Street: A Novel by Danielle McGuire

In my first blog post, I recommended the novel At the Dark End of the Street by Danielle McGuire. post. This novel takes us through the real history of the beginning of the civil rights movement. In elementary school, we are taught about Rosa Parks and given this image of a frail old woman who was too tired to move from her seat. However, that isn't the real story.

This novel speaks to the fact that white men would use rape scare tactics to send a message to African American men and women that white on black crime would go unpunished. The novel begins with the grave statement of, "A black woman's body was never hers alone" (xix).Image result for at the dark end of the street

The novel delves into the history of injustice black women have faced without further hesitation, starting with Recy Taylor in 1944.  Taylor was taken under false pretenses by six white men, raped, and stranded blindfolded in the night. When her son reported that she had been taken, Sherriff Gamble spearheaded the investigation. After hearing the description of the car, he realized immediately that Hugo Wilson had been involved. Wilson admitted having intercourse with Taylor but insisted that it was paid and not involuntary. Rather than calling in the five other men for questioning, Sherriff Gamble "sent Wilson home with a $250 bond and instructions to have his parents sign and return it at their leisure" (9). Everyone knew that if it were a white woman who was raped and her assailant a black man, the man would be a dead man walking. This is the reality that colored people faced. 

The novel continues on to talk about the numerous other women who were victimized by white men and who fought for justice and never received it. I think it's extremely important for everyone to understand the role women had in the civil rights movement and this novel does a great job of deconstructing the falsehoods we are taught in our elementary education system. I would strongly recommend this novel to anyone!


  1. An excellent post on the novel _At the Dark End of the Street_ by Danielle McGuire. 10/10


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